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spare parts for ORC - HMW 680

Spare parts for ORC Imagesetter HMW 680

Price: 1.500,- € from the location


Dosing pump ALLDOS

Dosing pump ALLDOS 208-3. 0-1000


Price: 100,- € from the location


SEW Cone Gear Motor for bath movement

SEW Cone Gear Motor for bath movement  SEW-EURODRIVE K66 (Schlötter plating)

with brake V 230

Price: 300,- € from the location

sold out

SEW front gear motor for Galv. transport converter

SEW front gear Motor for plating transport converter (Schlötter plating)

with brake: 220V∼A, Nm5

Price: 300,- € from the location


Sondermann pump

Sondermann centrifigal pump RM-PP-5/50-15

Price: 200,- € / piece from the location

Laboratory bath heater, glass

3 Laboratory bath heater, glass

230V, 500W

Price: 50,- € from the location


Optical proximity switch fiber optics

Optical proximity switsch fiber optics RS NEW

Typ: 636 - 479 (E263), 2 x 1,0 mm right angle through scan fibre

Price: 40,- € from the location

Osmosis system EUROTEC

Osmosis system EUROWATER A/S, Typ RO

Price: 2.500,- € / piece from the location

Temperature measuring device

Temperatur measuring device testo 925

Price: 40,- € from location

Small microscope

Small Microscope with light 

Price: 100,- € from the location


LENZE motor w. Angle drive

LENZE motor with angle drive 3-MOT EN60034

Price: 300,- € from the location

Multi-Cross Cutter

Multi-Cross Cutter ERICHSEN 295

for cross-cut test on different coatings

Price: 100,- € from the location


Photoelectric proximity switch Baumer

Photoelectric proximity switch Baumer NEW

Typ: FZAM 18P6460/S14, four connector

Price: 40,- € from the location

ARKOGRAF Electric writer

ARKOGRAF electric writer and firing device for conductive metals,

with a special branding pen also for wood, leather, cork.


Price: 100,- € with purchase of from the location

Electronic precision scale

Electronic precision scale 1000 mm /0-40"

with 10-fold loupe (Magnifying glass mounting ring is defective)

Price: 120,- € from the location


Pneumatic linear dtrive unit FESTO

Pneumatic linear drive unit FESTO DFO-40



Price: 250,- € from location

Japanese vacuum pump IWY

Japanese vacuum pump IWY

Price: 200,- € from the location


Graver burin

Graver burin HAMESCO for prick milling New, 99 piece VHM- engraving tool with roof

Price: 1,0- €/apiece / with purchase of 99 pieces 120,- € from the location

PENTA Hot Air Pump

PENTA Hot - Air Pump pipe EL - WU (without engine)

Price: 250,- € from the location


Dosing pump JESCO

Dosing pump JESCO MEMBOS E

Gasket: PTFE coated

Price: 150,- € / from the location

Laboratory power supply

Laboratory power supply VLP-2403 OVP/PS 405D

Price: 120,- € from the location


BUSCH Vacuum pump R5

BUSCH Vacuum pump R5 NEW ! Engine: Hanning 7D2-7-013H, 0,55 kW

Price: 1.000,- € from the location

optical test table Projectina

optical test table Projectina RP 400

Price: 250,- € from the location

Iwaki Dosing pump S44 P

Iwaki Dosing pump S44 P with PmD -20 Photometer-Dosomat

Price: 150,- € / piece from the location

DYNASCOPE Stereo VisionTS4

DYNASCOPE Stereo VisionTS4

Price: 450,- € from the location



Gearmotor Ruhrgetriebe KG

Price: 180,- € from the location

Drive motor Bauknecht

Drive motor Bauknecht 3 Mot. 80, RO,55/2-7 for V-belts

Price: 50,- € from the location


Cooling fan for air conditioning

Cooling fan for air conditioning Φ 715 mm

Price: 150,- € from the location

Hot press for laboratory test

Hot press GOLIAHT for laboratory test heatable on two sides

Price: 1.500,- € from the location

optical test table Projectina

optical test table Projectina RP 400

Price: 250,- € from the location

Spectrophotometer WTW

Spectrophotometer WTW Spectro Flex 6600 UV-VIS

Price: 150,- € from the location


Incremental measuring system MSA Lenz

Incremental measuring system MSA Lenz measuring length 750 mm

Price: 700,- € from the location


Anode bag New

Anode bag New 24 piece Dimension: B 85 x D 80 cm with four ribbons

Price: 5,- € / piece from the location

Scoring machine Priscore

Scoring machine Priscore 5040

Price: 1.500,- € from the location

Small chem. Ni-Au plating line

Small manual  Ni-Au plating line for frame 

both bathroomswith height adjustment max. to 16 mm

Price: 1.500,- € from the location

Plotter Gerber Crescent 30

Gerber Plotter Cescent / 30 laser

offers two resolutions; 1/2 mil 2000 dpi and 1/4 mil 4000 dpi

the facility is very well maintained , can be demonstrated.

Price: 2.500,- € from the location


Graver burin

Graver burin HAMESCO for prick milling New, 99 piece VHM- engraving tool with roof

Price: 1,00- €/apiece /with purchase of 99 pieces 90,- € from the location

Pneumatic press Berg&Schmid

Pneumatic press PNK 3400 with toggle lever translation

Price: 850,- € from the location

Screenprinting machine Micromat

Screenprinting machine Micromat , Print format: 500 x 700 mm

Price: 800,- € from the location

Film developer RAPILINE 66

Film developer RAPILINE 66 Agfa

( small erroron the drive axis) Rolls watered, without cracks.

Price: 1.200,- € from the location

Measuring table OMIG 620 -4H-Jena

Measuring table OMIG 620 -4H-Jena measuring range 620 x 480 mm

for surfaces and contour measurement of the PCB and

Special device: Measurement micrographs


  • Customized configuration of number of axes, measurement volume, measurement accuracy, type of lighting
  • Simple, intuitive operation
  • Productive measurement routines
  • Optical measurements on dimensionally unstable parts possible
  • Combination of optical sensors (non contact) with tactile measurring systems
  • Software JE.Control-manual or autom. Measure in live image, still image or even in saved image

Price: Special price 6.500,- € from the location

Spectrophotometer WTW

Spectrophotometer WTW Spectro Flex 6600 UV-VIS

Price: 150,- € from the location


SEW Cone Gear Motor for bath movement

SEW Cone Gear Motor for bath movement 13/60 Upm SEW-EURODRIVE K67 DRS90L8/2BE2/HR/TF with lifting roller D=100 x 100 d=40

Price: 200,- € from the location

Hot Air Lantronic

Hot Air Lantronic 204 for format 460 x 460 mm

Price: 5.000,- € from the location


BUSCH Vacuum pump R5

BUSCH Vacuum pump R5 NEW ! Engine: Hanning 7D2-7-013H, 0,55 kW

Price: 500,- € from the location

Vacuum packing device

Vacuum packing device VAC S 501 with vacuum bag in stainless steel, on casters

Price: 2.000,- € from the location

ECON AIR screw compressor

ECON AIR screw compressor well looked allways maintained


Price: 900,- € / piece from the location


Plasma - etching plant V70-4G Finish NEW !

Plasma - etching plant V70-4G Finish NEW !

Price: 32.500,- € from the location


NÜGA safety immersion bath warmer

NÜGA safty immersion barh warmer with temperature controller, temperature limiter,

and dry heat protection ( Protection class IP 65) to 3500 watt

Price: 200,- € from the location

De-Pinner Wessel

De-Pinner Wessel

Price: 150,- € from the location


IS Pump for Pumiflex

IS Pump for Pumiflex # IS 28109 WR , Art: TROP

Price: 400,- € from the location

Stielow humidifier

Stielow humidifier Jet/2 Atomization power 0,16 - 8 l water / h. designed for room sizes of up to 1,000 m³ volume.

Price: 500,- € from the location

Heraeus drying oven

Heraeus drying oven with runnig rail

Temperature 250°C

Price: 1.000,- € from the location

UV dryer Beltron

UV-dryer Beltron 60/II

with 2 new lamps and a conveyor belt

2 lamps, for drying and polymerisation of UV-curing screen printing inks and UV adhessives,

laminated materials, plastic, paper, glass, metals and other printing materials

in a continuous process.


Price: 1.550,- € from the location

Stacking container in PP

Stacking container with pump and suction

Heating and lid to open


Price: 450,- € from the location

Ti anode hook

Ti anode hook

Price: 5,- € / piece from the location


SEW Cone Gear Motor for electroplating bath movement

SEW Cone Gear Motor for electroplating bath movement 88 Upm N° R27 DRS71M4 BE1/HF/TF

Price: 300,- € from the location


VEM engine

VEM-engine:K21R 90 S 4-2 L HL

Price: 120,- € from the location


HML telescopic rails for trimming machine

HML telescopic rails for trimming machine Slide rails f. door, steel RA 44, Installation length 650 mm chromated

Price: 150,- € from the location

Spare parts for Circuit Automation DP 1500

Spare parts for Circuit Automation DP 1500 2 Rakelmotore Nr. 0289 /Model: GM 02509035 2 Shuttelmotore Nr. 0290/ Model: C42D17FK1C

Price: 1.000,- € from the location


Leybold Sputter Univex 450 B

Leybold Sputter Univex 450 B applicable for semiconductor Electronics sensor Technology, display technology,Optoelectronics, superconductors Tribology, foil coating, Soldering equipment, Glove Box application

Price: 90.000,- € from the location

sold out

Flow Box for clean room

Flow Box for clean room

Price: 500,- € from the location

UV-Dryer Colight

UV-Dryer Colight 24, 610 mm, two lamps/ above

Price: 1.500,- € from the location


Air washer Venta

Air washer Venta L 25/ new

without filter mats, Water is the filter

air cleaner up to 10µm particles

Price: 150,- € from the location


Laboratory bath warmer

3 Laboratory bath warmer

Price: 50,- € from the location


Three-phase pump motor

Three-phase pump motor new N° 140023

approx. 35 kg

Price: 150,- € from the location

Hot-Air Quicksilver

Hot-Air Quicksilver for Pb free price with tank  Sn  with air filter board punch

Price: 4.500,- € from the location

Vötsch oven

Vötsch box-oven VII 75/125, plus  2 transport cars

Price: 1.000,- € from the location

BAUTZ servo motor E 644

Bautz servo motor, 644 refurbished

Price: 250,- €/ piece from the location

MASS lacquer coating head

MASS lacquer coating head

Price: 250 ,- € from the location

Vakuum Pump Busch

Vakuum Pump Busch revised Typ RA 0063 E 5ZI

Price: 1.500,- € from the location

DYNASCOPE Stereo VisionTS4

DYNASCOPE Stereo VisionTS4

Price: 850,- € from the location